. . .
Une solution plus économes,

Opt for a Linux NAT VPS

  • 2 minutes delivery or less
  • Bandwidth Unlimited
  • Up to 7 days to change your mind

A NAT VPS, or Virtual Private Server with Network Address Translation, is a type of virtual server that uses network address translation (NAT) technology to manage network connectivity. NAT allows IP addresses to be mapped between different networks, allowing multiple other VPS to share a single public IP address.

Discover our offers
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Our Offers: VPS NAT

Hosting combining power and flexibility to propel your projects to the next level with serenity, always protected by our Arbor™ Anti-DDoS protection.

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Offer VCPU Memory Storage Connection Price
NAT-FREE 1 vCPUXeon E5 3.30Ghz 256 Mo DDR4Dedicated Memory 5 Go SSDDedicated Space 50Mbps


Rejoindre Discord


Rejoindre Discord
FR-NAT-ECO 1 vCPUXeon E5 3.30Ghz 512 Mo DDR4Dedicated Memory 15 Go SSDDedicated Space 50MbpsUnlimited



FR-NAT-2G 1 vCPUXeon E5 3.30Ghz 2 Go DDR4Dedicated Memory 20 Go SSDDedicated Space 100MbpsUnlimited



FR-NAT-4G 2 vCPUXeon E5 3.30Ghz 4 Go DDR4Dedicated Memory 50 Go SSDDedicated Space 150MbpsUnlimited



FR-NAT-8G 3 vCPUXeon E5 3.30Ghz 8 Go DDR4Dedicated Memory 80 Go SSDDedicated Space 150MbpsUnlimited



Offer VCPU Memory Storage Connection Price
NAT-FREE 1 vCPUXeon E5 3.30Ghz 256 Mo DDR4Dedicated Memory 5 Go SSDDedicated Space 50MbpsUnlimited


Rejoindre Discord


Rejoindre Discord
GP-NAT-ECO 1 vCPUXeon E5 3.30Ghz 512 Mo DDR4Dedicated Memory 15 Go SSDDedicated Space 50MbpsUnlimited



GP-NAT-2G 1 vCPUXeon E5 3.30Ghz 2 Go DDR4Dedicated Memory 20 Go SSDDedicated Space 100MbpsUnlimited



GP-NAT-4G 2 vCPUXeon E5 3.30Ghz 4 Go DDR4Dedicated Memory 50 Go SSDDedicated Space 150MbpsUnlimited



GP-NAT-8G 3 vCPUXeon E5 3.30Ghz 8 Go DDR4Dedicated Memory 80 Go SSDDedicated Space 150MbpsUnlimited



99 tcp/udp port (+1 pour le service SSH)
Redirection de domaine vers le port 80/443,
Accès root 100% complet

A NAT VPS? For what ?

All the performance of a classic VPS, almost as many possibilities, on a shared IPv4 address.

Your NAT VPS has a shared IP address, to which 100 ports are assigned. You can run the service(s) of your choice on any of these ports.

You can also host a website on your shared IP, thanks to our redirection of ports 80 and 443 to your private IP address. This option is configurable via our panel.

  • With a NAT VPS,
  • Host your game servers
  • Host your websites & applications
  • Host a private VPN server
  • Host a monitoring script

Included with your server:

(Ré-)Installation facile

Grâce à notre interface simple d'utilisation, vous changez de systèmes d'exploitations en un instant parmis un large nombre de choix disponibles.

Unlimited traffic & Anti-DDoS

Our infrastructure has an AntiDDOS solution that protects your services from attacks 24/7.

Automated backups

Thanks to WDH backups, your Linux and Windows servers are backed up daily over 7 rolling days.

Frequently asked questions

The answer to your questions may be found here !

La bande passante est illimité. Ce-pendant, nous avons une politique d'utilisation convenable. Si vous utilisez le réseau de façon abusive, (ex. Attaques DDoS, port scan) nous nous réservons le droits de suspendre votre VPS sans préavis.

Le rDNS est disponible sur l'ensemble des services proposant une adresse IPv4 dédié. De fait, cette fonctionnalité n'est pas disponible avec les offres VPS NAT.

Un VPS NAT (Network Address Translation), est un type de serveur virtuel qui utilise la technologie de translation d'adresse réseau (NAT) pour gérer la connectivité réseau. Le NAT permet de mapper les adresses IP entre différents réseaux, permettant ainsi à plusieurs autres VPS de partager une seule adresse IP publique.

Oui, si vous souhaitez obtenir une adresse IP dédié pour votre VPS NAT plus tard, vous pourrez tout à fait en ajouter une en quelques cliques.